Land Trust

Coed Talylan Land Trust (CTLT) is a co-operative organisation founded to create an exemplary low impact development for a shared equity self-build co-housing project.  Utilising the One Planet Development (OPD) policy guidelines the CTLT will demonstrate the benefits of co-operative networks in achieving the goals of OPD with an understanding that localised “co-sufficiency” makes for greater bioregional resilience in light of the interlocking crises we face today.

As a community benefit society, the CTLT acts as the legal land owner and governing body to oversee the management of the woodland and ensure that it is held in trust in perpetuity for future generations.

The CTLT is a “multi-stakeholder” co-operative, this allows use to make a distinction between the different degrees of risk and interest within the membership as a whole. This is important for those members who are building their homes on the land. This needs to be balanced with the wider involvement of the membership to meet the objectives beyond the OPD aspect of the project.

To this end with have resolved to create 3 types of membership:

Home Members: Those members residing on the land with a leasehold agreement with the CTLT.

Steward Members: individuals and/or organisations that have relevant experience, skills and expertise relating to the Society’s objectives and are willing, if required, to volunteer time to help achieve those objectives. However, the main role of the Steward Members is to act as trustees to guide the Society in adhering to its purpose and wider social and environmental goals, providing an oversight to ensure the land remains in trust in perpetuity.

Supporter Members: individual and families the share a significant alignment with the Society’s purpose and have a minimum share holding for membership.

All members have equal standing in the Society, irrespective of amount of shares they have, with one vote. However, the overall share of the vote is “weighted” according the type of member, with the Home Members having 45% of the voting share, the Supporter Members 35% and Steward Members 25%. This means that decision need full consent of the Home Members but also that the Home Members cannot unilaterally control the Society.

We will hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) where the accounts are reviewed and the board of directors/trustees is elected from the membership. All members will be invited to attend either in person or via an online meeting platform such as Zoom. The AGM will coincide with an annual Refungium Gathering at Coed Talylan.

We are open to new Supporter Members that share our interests in the land and support the purpose of Society. Members join by subscribing to shares in the society. The minimum shareholding to become a member is £250 however members can invest more in the society up to a maximum of £20,000. Such shares are withdrawable but non-transferable. This mean that members can withdraw their shares but cannot sell them to a third party. Primarily investment in the society has a social and environmental return in supporting the purpose of the Society but Members can also opt to earning interest on their shares up to 3% per annum.

Members may also be interested in participating in activities on the land. The CTLT will hold regular volunteer weeks and skill share oriented events. Members will also be able to visit the land by accessing our members campsite at certain times of the year.

The Coed Talylan Land Trust is registered with the FCA (registration No. 7366) and you can view our society Rules and related policy documents here:

Coed Talylan Land Trust – Society Rules and Policy Documents

For more information about Membership and member benefits see the Become a Member page.


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