Are you part of a horticultural enterprise, a market garden or CSA in Wales?


Are you interested in fungi and growing mushrooms?


Have you ever considered cultivation of mushrooms as part of your business?


We are looking for small to medium scale horticultural enterprises based in Cymru (Wales) interested in exploring the possibility of diversifying into mushroom production. You will receive fully funded support including training and the initial “spawn” of a variety of species that are simple to adopt and work well alongside horticultural practices. The techniques range from woodchip beds, log culture and we even have a mobile grow room you can borrow for 2 months! We are searching for up to 10 participants to begin in March 2023 or March 2024. If you would like to know more about the project please explore the Farming with Fungi section of our website. To apply as participant just follow the link below:

Mushroom Cultivation – Diversification for SMSFE: Application Form

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One Comment

  • Hello, I’d really love to be involved in mushroom cultivation. It’s something I’ve been thinking about over the last year so I was over the moon to see the Facebook post. Please could you send me the details. Really excited about it! Dina

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